
Name Tora
Origin Pern
Residence Meridian Weyr
Rank/Occupation Searchrider
Impression Age 19 (approximate human equivalent)
Gender Female (she/her)
Species Grey Wolf Shapeshifter
Height 2'2" at shoulder (Grey Wolf) / 5'6" (Human)
Appearance Human: lithe but muscled build; fluffy, greyed brown hair, to upper back, worn in a braid; light copper eyes; creamy fair skin
Abilities Shapeshifting (Human): Tora can assume a human form at will.

Telepathy: Tora can speak mind-to-mind with all dragons.
Personality Tora is adventurous and fearless. She and her bond share a love for seeing new places, and they do plenty of that as offworld Searchriders! She's a people person with plenty of charisma, confidence, and good humour. Most people feel at ease around her, probably because Tora is quite the open book. Sometimes she overshares - especially about the "actually a wolf" thing - but she's well-intentioned and likes to learn about other people just as much as she enjoys talking about herself.
Family Tarak, older brother, rider of Snow-horned Blue Zevziic
Pets Cira, Sandstone Firelizard
Bonded To Talastea, Flurry Emerald Green
Bonded At Nidus Ryslen, Flurry '03


Name Cira
Birthplace IGPC Weyrhall (closed)
Gender Female
Species Firelizard
Colour Sandstone
Personality Clever, Observant, Acrobat