
Name Tarak
Origin Pern
Residence Meridian Weyr
Rank/Occupation Searchrider
Impression Age 21 (approximate human equivalent)
Gender Male (he/him)
Species Grey Wolf Shapeshifter
Height 2'6" at shoulder (Grey Wolf) / 6'0" (Human)
Appearance Human: well muscled, but not burly; fluffy, medium-short, dark grey-brown hair; pale gold eyes; creamy fair skin
Abilities Shapeshifting (Human): Tarak can assume a human form at will.
Personality Tarak wants the best for others, but his spontaneity means he sometimes forgets to consider what they want! He's high-strung, excitable, and zealous, much like a puppy. Everything Tarak does is done with enthusiasm, and not a lot seems to slow him down. He is notably courageous and bold, jumping headfirst into new adventures like he was born to take them on. As a Searchrider, his optimism is infectious. His prospects find it hard not to believe they'll Impress once Tarak starts talking!
Family Tora, younger sister, rider of Emerald Green Talastea
Pets Bel, Brown Firelizard
Dragon Zevziic, Flurry Snow-horned Blue
Bonded At Nidus Ryslen, Flurry '03


Name Bel
Birthplace Falas Weyr (closed)
Gender male
Species Firelizard
Colour brown
Personality social, lazy, motivated by food